QolorPoint: What is the Static function on my QolorPoint 7000? Answer:
In this mode the fixture outputs a static LEE or preset ‘cc’ or Custom Color as selected.All settings are remembered when the unit is turned ...
QolorPoint: What is the DMX function on my QolorPoint 7000? Answer:
In this mode the fixture is under control of DMX and may be controlled by a Multiverse DMX compatible device or a Master fixture.The options ...
QolorPoint: How do I change the function of my QolorPoint 7000? Answer:
To change Function press FN. Use the up and down buttons to select “CHANGE Function” and press enter to accept.Then use the up and down ...
QolorPoint: What is the 5th DMX Channel on my QolorPoint 7000? Answer:
The 5th DMX Channel enables an intensity parameter. This allows the the fixture overall color Channel 1-4 to be dimmed. Values are 0 to 255, ...