Receiver Card: My 5906/5907 powers up but I have no control. Answer:
- Check the status indicators and signal lights to confirm that aMultiverse transmitting device is in range and data is being sent.- Reset factory defaults ...
RadioScan: Unable to find any RadioScan device error. Answer:
- Check for working USB data cable and not charging cable- Verify that a USB Serial port was added to computer system.
Receiver Card: The 0-10v output isn’t working on my 5906/5907 Receiver Card. Answer:
- Check that 0-10V mode is enabled with the USB configurator.- Double check console patch and park functions. Try controllingdirectly by address.- Confirm the Receiver ...
Receiver Card: The PWM outputs aren’t working on my 5906/5907 Receiver Card. Answer:
- Double check that PWM output is enabled with the USBconfigurator.- Double check console patch and park. Confirm addressing withDMX map in manual.- Double check ...